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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Beneficenza. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 22 maggio 2015

Imagine - LArtefice - Teatro Traiano live

LArtefice al teatro Traiano, beneficenza per l'UNICEF in uno spettacolo dedicato a tutti i bambini del mondo. Imagie, riarrangiata per l'occasione.

mercoledì 2 ottobre 2013

Le Radici e le Ali - LArtefice - Album

Le Radici e le Ali is composed by four tracks. The first and the fourth tracks contain the main message of the album: “The Roots and the Wings” is the name of a theatre school, in which we teach english trough acting singing and dancing. Children can discover their talent to overcome the difficulties of life. The second and the third tracks were written to explain to italian children that they can become “richer”, helping poor children all over the world. 

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